Michele Tarento and Osteo-Eveil Introduction





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“From cell scale until tissues scale, a tensional continuity is established inside and between B (bones) M (muscles ) F (fascias, ligaments aponeurosis, capsules) structures from the surface to the deepness (internal fascias and organs).

Because they are strongly linked to the fascias, we can perceive inside bones the global tension of the B.M.F.( Bone Myo Fascial) system.

These assembled structures and the posture obey to tensegrity rules witch can be physically perceived.

Consciousness of tissue qualities is fundamental to develop the autonomy in postural prévention."

Michèle Tarento


What is ostéo éveil?

L’ostéo- éveil is a bodily health and movement approach created by Michèle Tarento along the years from writtings and practices of great osteopathic authors.

For some years ostéo eveil postural practices are inspired by Biotensegrity concept created by Steve Levin( www. at macroscopic scale and by Donald Ingber at microscopic scale.


Ostéo eveil develops these main followin aspects :


Awareness of differenr tissues and matters wich constitute our body.


Awareness of articular movements in relationship with structural and cranio- sacral realities


Awareness of postural habits


Birth of easy moving energy


Exploration of body keys



Consequences and applications :


Osteopathy is a global médecine ; as such, it implicitily présents 2 sides, a therapeutic one wich has been generously taught to us by teachers and a preventive one wich is presented here:



In a personnal developemnt context, the priority given to bones make the structure grow inside the body and the mind.


In pregnancy dynamism

It allows subtiles posturales adaptations Inside this continuous fast evolution.


For babies and children

The practionner observes and spots the hypomobilités zones in cranio-sacral mobilities transmission.



This technical is directed at :

-Any person interested by a personnal development leaning on physical body.

-Studients and teachers specialised on sports and artistic technicals

-Nursery and maternity staff who wish a better life to babies and their mamies

-Health practitioners awoken to osteopathic approach and his unicist lighting

Osteopath and posturologues who wish to push back the possibility of illness »coming back »in chronich injuries


This physical approach is taught by one week sessions or week end sessions



Who is Michèle Tarento ?

MD, Osteopath, Ears, Nose and Throat Specialist, Phoniatry competence


Graduated in Bioenergy (Lowen, Reich) and Post-modern Dance

Certified in Biotensegrity by Steve Levin


1-Teaching experience


-Senior lecturer in human Histology, Biology and Embryology (Paris VII University, School of Medicine)


-Teacher in Histology, Biology and Embryology to osteopathy students: University Leonard de Vinci, -Bobigny France-, CIDO- St Etienne France-, ESO -Maidstone, England-, SBO –Bruxelles, Belgium-, CEOF –Barcelone, Spain


-Teacher of “osteopathic touch and ostéo éveil” to CEESO students -St Denis, France- 2004


-Teacher of Post modern dance -Arcueil, France- 1981-1991


2- Research: publications- workshops, conferences, formation to “ostéo éveil”, oral communications , round tables and medias


-Contribution to a Research group about somatic health prevention and postural techniques -Centre de Ressources sur la condition physique –INSEP-Vincennes, France- 1991-92


- Michele Tarento is the creator of the Osteo Eveil concept (2001): a somatic bodily technical health postural and movement approach (issued from the literature and from practical courses with reknowned osteopathic teachers and from Histology, Cell Biology and Embryology Sciences) -Osteo-eveil is protected by an INPI Copyright

Formations to Osteo Eveil

Theorical and practical workshops: Transmission of personal research about body tissues physical perceptions, about postural static placement and dynamic placement.

- Moncton University -New Brünswick, Canada- 2001, 2003, 2008

Regular teaching of Ostéo Eveil -Arcueil France- since 2001 osteo eveil practices has been used for the "body warming" since 1992).




- « Osteopathy, Micromouvements and Dance » 1993


-Interview of Michèle Tarento : Dance and Osteopathy» by Emerantienne Dubourg (2003) -a Monthly published Newspaper of the “Fédération Française de Dans


-Bones are solid fasciaes- revue EPS mai 2013


Workshops :

- « How to preserve corporal mobilities and fonctionnal (biomechanical, neurological fluidical) links »-1989

-« Ways to intra corporal mobilities » European Meeting « Activités Physiques vers l'Harmonie de l'Etre » C.R.E.P.S. -Châtenay- Malabry, France- 1993


- « Osteopathic keys to human body tissus » Lecture to postgraduate kinesiolologists –Paris X University, Paris- 1995


- « Mouvements and micromouvements -Bone tissues and cells- » SCISU University-Paris X University, Paris- 1995



"Osteo eveil approach of the posture inspired by Biotensegrity- to postgraduate students of  Belgium fasciatherapy school - Gand (Belgium)-june 2013


Conférences :

- « Fondamental Principles and Philosophy of Osteopathy and his creator’s texts (A.T. STILL)- the essential place given to the fascias »- Moncton University -New Brünswick- Canada- 2001


- « Osteopathic lecture of body tissus » Paris VII University- Département de la Science des textes et des documents- Professeur Chartier- Jussieu 2003



Round Table

« Body-tissus and materials to dance »- MPAA Paris 6ème 2008



Interview by Radio Canada about “Ostéo Eveil -principles and techniques”- sept 2001


Congress :

-Human vertical in standing up position: biomecanical–neurological somatic technical approachs » -Osteopathy and Posturology congress organised by F.E.M.M.O-« Hôtel de Ville -Paris -les 9 et 10 nov 2007

The bone and the bone tissues are hard fascias tissues and ways to posture reharmonisations » -Fascia congress-Brussels- 5-7 octobre 2012 (Conference and Workshop)



The biotensegrity interested group has been initiated By Danièle Claude Martin puis Paul Sercu en Europe entre 2008 and 2014 around the Steve levin research.

-"The innovative biotensegrity concept inspires innovative ostéo-éveil postural practices "- BIG III- (Biotensegrity Interested Group)-2011- Munick( Deutchland)


- « Osteopathic and Biotensegral approaches of bone tissues and cells »

BIG IV (Biotensegrity Interested Group)-2012- Drongen( Belgium)

-"The Osteo eveil approach of the vocal system inspired by Biotensegrity"- Merelbeke( Belgium) BIG V- 2013


- "Some  ostéo- éveil practices inspired by the biotensegrity concept"

projection and commentaries of videos - 6th BIG- sept 2014- Drongen(Belgium)


"Some  ostéo- éveil practices inspired by the biotensegrity concept"

projection and commentaries of videos- Washington- sept 2015-  Biotensegrity 40th Birthday  Celebration



Osteo eveil approach of the vocal system inspired by Biotensegrity . 10th meeting- Vétostéo ( St Ygnan- france)- lecture and workshops- 19-21 juin 2015

Bones in biotensegrity fields- lecture followed by practices leaded by Aline lecler, osteo eveil teacher , and Michèle Tarento: ostéo éveil conceptor- Ecite ( 29th international contact improvisation dance teacher meeting- 5-11 juillet 2015


Book : I am finishing to write a book which makes a link between ostéo éveil  and the biotensegrity concept.


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"Osteo éveil – conciencia corporal y osteopatia Aplicada

El osteo éveil es una tecnica creada de los 90 por michèle Tarento Doctora en Medicina de la Facultad de paris -Osteopathe -Diplomada en Danza de la universidad La Sorbonne

El objetivo es despertar la consciensa osea mediante ejercicios de tacto, contacto, presion y percusion de los huesos del cuerpo  y utilisar esta information sensorial como guia de la improvisation personal y colectiva.

La estimulation de la estructura osea facilit la aparicion de patrones corporales « sanos » ayudando a recuperar la movilidad organica de las articulaciones del cuerpo y a conectar con creativas formas de expression.

El Osteo éveil es herramienta utilizada en el prevencion de lesiones articulares, la recuperacion de movilidad articular, la improvisacion y la creacion escenica".Rocio Belmar

Rocio Belmar Galvan- Pedagoga en Danza de la universidad Arcis- Formation en Ostéo éveil en Francia con Michèle Tarento - Tous droits réservés Viaduc® - 2024 - Hebergeur - Nom de domaine - 184179 visites